Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, killed at least 242,000 people (the official death count). Some observers place the actual toll as high as 700,000. The Great Tangshan Earthquake also rocked the seat of Chinese Communist Party power in Beijing — both literally and politically. Background to the Tragedy — Politics and the Gang of Four in 1976 China was in a state of political ferment in 1976. The Party Chairman, Mao Zedong, was 82 years old. He spent much of that year in the hospital, suffering several heart attacks and other complications of old age and heavy smoking. Meanwhile, the Chinese public and the western-educated Premier, Zhou Enlai, had grown weary of the excesses of the Cultural Revolution. Zhou went so far as to publicly oppose some of the measures ordered by Chairman Mao and his coterie, pushing for The Four Modernizations in 1975. These reforms stood in marked contrast to the Cultural Revolutions emphasis on a return to the soil; Zhou wanted to modernize Chinas agriculture, industry, sciences, and national defense. His calls for modernization incurred the wrath of the powerful Gang of Four, a cabal of Maoist hardliners headed by Madam Mao (Jiang Qing). Zhou Enlai died on January 8, 1976, just six months before the Tangshan Earthquake. His death was mourned widely by the Chinese people, despite the fact that the Gang of Four had ordered that public grief for Zhou should be down-played. Nonetheless, hundreds of thousands of defiant mourners flooded into Tiananmen Square in Beijing to express their sorrow over Zhous death. This was the first mass demonstration in China since the founding of the Peoples Republic in 1949, and a sure sign of the peoples rising anger against the central government. Zhou was replaced as premier by the unknown Hua Guofeng. Zhous successor as the standard-bearer for modernization within the Chinese Communist Party, however, was Deng Xiaoping. The Gang of Four rushed to denounce Deng, who had called for reforms to raise the living standards of average Chinese, allow more freedoms of expression and movement, and end the rampant political persecution that was practiced at that time. Mao fired Deng in April of 1976; he was arrested and held incommunicado. Nevertheless, Jiang Qing and her cronies kept up a steady drumbeat of condemnation for Deng throughout the spring and early summer. The Ground Shifts Beneath Them At 3:42 am on July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Tangshan, an industrial city of 1 million people in northern China. The quake leveled about 85% of the buildings in Tangshan, which had been built on the unstable soil of the Luanhe Rivers flood plain. This alluvial soil liquefied during the quake, undermining entire neighborhoods. Structures in Beijing also sustained damage, some 87 miles (140 kilometers) distant. People as far away as Xian, 470 miles (756 kilometers) from Tangshan, felt the tremors. Hundreds of thousands of people lay dead after the quake, and much more were trapped in the rubble. Coal miners working deep underground in the region perished when the mines collapsed around them. A series of aftershocks, the most powerful registering 7.1 on the Richter Scale, added to the destruction. All of the roads and rail-lines leading into the city were destroyed by the quake. Beijings Internal Response At the time the earthquake struck, Mao Zedong lay dying in the hospital in Beijing. As tremors rippled through the capital, hospital officials rushed to push Maos bed to safety. The central government, headed by the new premiere, Hua Guofeng, initially knew little of the disaster. According to an article in the New York Times, coal miner Li Yulin was the first to bring word of the devastation to Beijing. Dirty and exhausted, Li drove an ambulance for six hours, going right up to the party leaders compound to report that Tangshan had been destroyed. However, it would be days before the government organized the first relief operations. In the meantime, the surviving people of Tangshan desperately dug through the rubble of their homes by hand, stacking the corpses of their loved ones in the streets. Government planes flew overhead, spraying disinfectant over the ruins in an effort to prevent an epidemic of disease. Several days after the earthquake, the first Peoples Liberation Army troops reached the devastated area to aid in rescue and recovery efforts. Even when they finally arrived at the scene, the PLA lacked trucks, cranes, medicines, and other necessary equipment. Many of the soldiers were forced to march or run for miles to the site due to the lack of passable roads and rail lines. Once there, they too were forced to dig through the rubble with their bare hands, lacking even the most basic tools. Premiere Hua made the career-saving decision to visit the affected area on August 4, where he expressed his sorrow and condolences to the survivors. According to London University professor Jung Changs autobiography, this behavior contrasted starkly with that of the Gang of Four. Jiang Qing and the other members of the Gang went on the air to remind the nation that they shouldnt allow the earthquake to distract them from their first priority: to denounce Deng. Jiang also publicly stated that There were merely several hundred thousand deaths. So what? Denouncing Deng Xiaoping concerns eight hundred million people. Beijings International Response Although the state-run media took the unusual step of announcing the catastrophe to Chinas citizens, the government remained mum about the earthquake internationally. Of course, other governments around the world were aware that a significant earthquake had taken place based on seismograph readings. However, the extent of the damage and number of casualties was not revealed until 1979, when state-run Xinhua media released the information to the world. At the time of the quake, the paranoid and insular leadership of the Peoples Republic refused all offers of international aid, even from such neutral bodies as the United Nations aid agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Instead, the Chinese government urged its citizens to Resist the Earthquake and Rescue Ourselves. Physical Fallout of the Quake By the official count, 242,000 people lost their lives in the Great Tangshan Earthquake. Many experts have since speculated that the actual toll was as high as 700,000, but the true number will probably never be known. The city of Tangshan was rebuilt from the ground up, and now is home to more than 3 million people. It is known as the Brave City of China for its swift recovery from the catastrophic quake. Political Fallout of the Quake In many ways, the political repercussions of the Great Tangshan Earthquake were even more significant than the death toll and physical damage. Mao Zedong died on September 9, 1976. He was replaced as Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, not by one of the radical Gang of Four, but by Premiere Hua Guofeng. Buoyed by public support after his show of concern at Tangshan, Hua boldly arrested the Gang of Four in October of 1976, ending the Cultural Revolution. Madam Mao and her cronies were put on trial in 1981 and sentenced to death for the horrors of the Cultural Revolution. Their sentences were later commuted to twenty years to life in prison, and all were eventually released. Jiang committed suicide in 1991, and the other three members of the clique have since died. Reformer Deng Xiaoping was released from prison and politically rehabilitated. He was elected Party Vice Chairman in August of 1977 and served as the de facto leader of China from 1978 through the early 1990s. Deng initiated the economic and social reforms that have allowed China to develop into a major economic power on the world stage. Conclusion The Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976 was the worst natural disaster of the twentieth century, in terms of loss of life. However, the earthquake proved instrumental in ending the Cultural Revolution, which was one of the worst man-made disasters of all time. In the name of the Communist struggle, the Cultural Revolutionaries destroyed the traditional culture, arts, religion, and knowledge of one of the worlds most ancient civilizations. They persecuted intellectuals, prevented the education of an entire generation, and ruthlessly tortured and killed thousands of ethnic minority members. Han Chinese, too, were subject to hideous mistreatment at the hands of the  Red Guards; an estimated 750,000 to 1.5 million people were murdered between 1966 and 1976. Although the Tangshan Earthquake caused tragic loss of life, it was key in bringing an end to one of the most horrific and abusive systems of governance that the world has ever seen. The quake shook loose the Gang of Fours hold on power and ushered in a new era of relatively increased openness and economic growth in the Peoples Republic of China. Sources Chang, Jung.  Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, (1991). Tangshan Journal; After Eating Bitterness, 100 Flowers Blossom, Patrick E. Tyler, New York Times (January 28, 1995). Chinas Killer Quake, Time Magazine, (June 25, 1979). On This Day: July 28, BBC News Online. China marks 30th anniversary of Tangshan quake, China Daily Newspaper, (July 28, 2006). Historic Earthquakes: Tangshan, China U.S. Geological Survey, (last modified January 25, 2008).

Friday, May 15, 2020

Toy Story 3 Review - 1135 Words

It’s been eleven years since we last saw the gang in Toy Story 2 and things are a bit different now. Weezy and Bo Peep, as well as others, are gone. They have fallen victim to damage, yard sales, garbage bags, donations, and simply being misplaced. There is a melancholy feeling in the air between Woody and the rest of the gang as the film opens. Andy is now 17 years old and is preparing to depart to college. Each toy is well aware as they watch him pack, that their futures will come down to either living in the attic, become donated, or thrown away. As Andy looks over all of his old toys, he decides to put them in a garbage bag and keep them in the attic. He however, decides to take Woody, his oldest friend, to school with him. However,†¦show more content†¦This, along with some of the characters, i.e. the scary looking baby doll, causes a somewhat dark and melancholy mood that lingers throughout the film, giving it a kind of film noir feeling. Like in the last two mo vies, a major story line of Toy Story 3 is the toys getting lost. But instead of trying to do all that they can in order to make it home as they did in 1 and 2, Toy Story 3 focuses on whether or not they should try and go home, being that there will be no one to go back to. Throughout the film, Woody is the only one who insist that going home is the only option they have because they are Andy’s toys. The film is about the consequences of disloyalty, and giving up on an imperfect relationship in order to go off and find something that is better. It is the story of a group of toys trying to live up to their responsibilities and deal with change. The toys have to deal with the fact that Andy is going to college without them, leaving them without an owner, and to a toy, not having an owner is the worst thing that can happen to you. Toy Story 3 uses all of the same ingredients that were used on the previous two films, insuring its success. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Christianity And The Patristic Period - 867 Words

Christianity, a religion that has been derived off of Judaism, has transitioned into a normative religion due to the influence of the Patristic period. The name Patristic originates from the word Pater, which is defined as father in Latin. Its title is suitable by its very nature since one could regard the patristic age as the authoritative or fatherly age towards Christianity. (McGrath 7) On another note, many scholars and writers had made beneficial contributions to Christianity during the patristic period, but only a few timelessly stick out for making differences that were able to change Christianity to how we perceive it in the modern world. Among the many changes that came during the patristic age, the most important were definitely the agreements on sacred documents, which had change the perception as well as the belief of the Christian religion. The distinct progress that was made in patristic age has shaped the Christian religion into a mainstream religion that many have fai th in present day. Many of the vital figures to Christianity can be traced back to the patristic period, however this is no mere coincidence. The patristic age takes place shortly after the New Testament was written which would obviously be a very controversial time, since many would question whether or not it should be accepted. To emphasize, a man named Tertullian, was absolutely a monumental figure during this period because he questioned the key principles in Christianity. Tertullian isShow MoreRelatedLiberty University Sample Book Review Chhi 520 Essay1249 Words   |  5 PagesHow Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity By Thomas C. Oden Downers Grove, Ill: Intervarsity Press, 2008, 204 pp, $ 19.00 hardcover. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Locker Room Talk free essay sample

Page 1 Locker Room Talk Ethical Case April 18, 2010 Page 2 The Locker Room Talk Ethical Case outlines a situation that is an ethical dilemma for CPA Albert Gable who has performed personal financial planning for Larry and Susan Wilson. The Wilson’s, in their discussions with Mr. Gable regarding their personal finances, mentioned that in the past they have had marriage problems but have worked through the problems and are not seeking a divorce. Gable and the Wilson’s became personal friends due to the relationship built during their personal financial planning. Mr. Gable also performs the annual audit for one of the largest banks in the town where they all live. The sample pulled for the audit at the bank included the Wilson’s loan information. While performing the audit, Mr. Gable discovers information on the Wilson’s loan that does not coincide with the information given to him during the personal financial planning. Mr. Gable is concerned and addresses the discrepancy with a loan officer but did not confide to the loan officer that he was also their personal financial planner. The loan officer confided in Mr. Gable that Mr. Wilson was setting up his business to divorce his wife without any compensation. This situation puts Albert Gable in a situation with a conflict of interests. His personal financial client is also a client of the bank where he performs the annual audit. The information the Wilson’s provided to him during their personal financial planning conflicts with the information provided on loan documentation at the bank. Albert Gable needs to determine the best course of action to take in this situation. The Stakeholders The stakeholders involved are: Page 3 1. Albert Gable As the CPA, his professional business ethics are at risk and his personal reputation is on the line. He also has a large bonus weighing on his decision. 2. Mrs. Wilson – She has the understanding that her marriage is not at risk and the financial planning is for the benefit of her and her husband for their future. 3. Mr. Wilson – If he is not being honest with his wife and is planning on divorcing her, the information that Albert has uncovered during the audit could create problems for him. . The loan officer – the loan officer that shared Mr. Wilson’s personal information with Mr. Gable. 5. The bank – the relationship Mr. Gable had with the Wilson’s as personal financial planner was not disclosed to the bank and is a conflict of interest. Course of Action The best course of action that Mr. Gable should take is to meet with the Wilson’s and explain that he cannot continue with thei r personal financial planning. He should have them seek out another financial planning firm to complete their personal financial plans. He should explain to them that he completes the annual audit for the bank and during the audit he discovered discrepancies with the loan information and the bank statements provided to him to prepare their personal finances and due to the discrepancies he feels it is necessary to remove himself as their personal planner. By removing himself as the Wilson’s personal financial planner, this eliminates the conflict of interest with the bank audit. By informing the Wilson’s they need to locate another Page 4 irm and cannot use the CPA firm he is partner with for financial planning removes all conflict business and personal and maintains business and personal ethics. Furthermore, he needs to notify the bank of the conflict with the Wilson account and that he will not be able to conduct an audit of their accounts due the relationship that was initially formed with the personal finance planning. By following the above steps he protects the clients, the bank and upholds his pro fessionalism and his business ethics. Impact to Stakeholder The deontology approach was used to determine the course of action. This approach to ethics emphasizes doing what one should do in accordance with rules, obligations and/or ethical principles of the profession. The impact of the decision could cost Mr. Gable the banks account but if he would have acknowledge upfront his knowledge of the Wilsons prior to beginning the audit on their loan documents the situation could have been diverted. He is also losing a client, the Wilson’s due to the bank audit and the review he completed of their loan documents. If he would have acknowledged to the bank and had the file removed from the audit all of this could have been avoided. Mr. Gable will need to take the time and explain to his client the Wilson’s but he needs to keep it at a professional level and not discuss what was discovered only that it is conflict of interest. Conclusion Mr. Gable used poor judgment in his decision making process and has violated the ethic rules of the accounting profession. During the audit of the bank documentation he should have immediately notified the bank of the conflict with the Wilson file. He needed to be upfront with the bank and explain the Wilson’s were also a client of his for personal financial planning Page 5 nd have the file removed from the sample audit or bring in a third party to complete the audit on the Wilson documents. The loan officer should not have shared the personal information with Mr. Gable and Mr. Gable should have ended the conversation before it began. Sharing with the Wilson’s that discrepancies were noted between bank statements and loan documentation will allow the Wilsonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s to clear up the discrepancies at the bank in regards to their accounts. Page 6 References Brooks, L. J. , 2007. Business professional ethics for directors, executives accountants (4th ed). Mason, OH: Thomas South-Western.